Thinking About Tests I’ve been thinking a lot about tests lately. The automated, software development kind, not the school kind. I’ve been thinking a lot about tests because I’ve realized that my thinking about them has been broken. Specifically, around how to test Lift web applications. Something that I’ve had to come to terms with is that my schooling and experience up until a few years ago did a horrible job of educating me regarding when tests are needed and why. Posted by Matt Farmer on March 04, 2015 · 11 mins read
To: Sen. Isakson / Re: Net Neutrality I wrote an email asking Senator Isakson to support the FCCs moves to help control the abuses of companies like Comcast on the internet. I got a canned response (no surprise), and tried to reply to that only to find that the email address that Isakson’s staff sends emails from isn’t a real email address. There’s no way for me to actually have a conversation with someone from his office about this issue. Posted by Matt Farmer on February 14, 2015 · 6 mins read
Trouble Staying Motivated Life tends to present itself as a series of seasons. Some characterized by career success, some by personal growth, and others by something else entirely. Whatever season I’m in now, it hasn’t been the easiest for any of my side projects. Posted by Matt Farmer on January 29, 2015 · 7 mins read
Open Source Software at Elemica So I did a write up for Elemica about our use of Open Source Software within the organization. It covered some allegorical business examples as an argument for OSS, talks a good bit about Lift and Chef, and goes on to discuss a few of the things that we’ve published recently. If that sounds like a something you’d be interested in reading about, it went live today. Posted by Matt Farmer on December 02, 2014 · 1 min read
I'm a magician A few days ago I got asked two questions that I don’t think I gave a great answers to. At their core, the questions were asking me why I do software (of all things) and about how I see myself. As in, if I could give a descriptive summary other than “builds software” – how is it that I see myself. I don’t remember the exact answers I gave, but it resulted in a bit of unexpected self-reflection. Posted by Matt Farmer on November 10, 2014 · 2 mins read